First Year Programs

LeAnne Wiles featured in Viewpoint Magazine's "Black Voices at the UW"

November 2, 2020

LeAnne Wiles Feature: Black Voice: Are you part of the problem or the solution?

First Year Programs Director LeAnne Wiles is featured in Viewpoint Magazine as she discusses her personal experience as a director in UW's Undergraduate Academic Affairs and her goals in moving towards racial equity. A question that she asks is "Are you part of the problem of the solution?" 

To answer this question, LeAnne looks at setting actionable goals and metrics with accountability. Some of these goals include requiring training for faculty and staff over anti-racism practices and the ability for departments to review hiring practices. She states that "it's hard to think about shifting the dominant mindset and culture, but this is about taking opportunities to evolve...with authentic engagement that leads to accountability, we can all continue to be part of the solution". 

Viewpoint Magazine Full Issue: